Kaudern’s Cardinal


The Kaudern’s Cardinal is highly sought after for its ease of care, attractive color pattern and distinctively long and elegant fins. The Kaudern’s Cardinal, also known as the Banggai Cardinalfish or Longfin Cardinalfish, is metallic silver highlighted by rich black stripes and white, celestial spots on the body and fins. This sophisticated color pattern of the Kaudern’s Cardinal makes it a visual striking and memorable addition to most saltwater aquariums.

A 30 gallon or larger aquarium with cave-like rockwork and peaceful tank mates is ideal for this slow and methodical swimmer. Due to its aggressive behavior towards conspecifics, the Kaudern’s Cardinal should not be kept in large groups. The Kaudern’s Cardinal is relatively easy to breed in the aquarium setting. Once spawning has occurred, the male carries the eggs in his mouth to protect them.

The Kaudern’s Cardinal should be fed a well balanced diet of meaty foods such as feeder shrimp, marine flesh, bloodworms, and depending on its size, live feeder fish.

Approximate Purchase Size: 1-1/4″ to 2-1/4″

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